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WP8 outcomes

  /  WP8 outcomes

Workpackage 8

Workpackage 8’s objective is to make the project visible for a wide audience and disseminate the results to relevant groups.

D8.4 – Initial Dissemination Plan and Activities

This deliverable is confidential to the Consortium members and European Defence Agency as funder of the project.

The Deliverable D8.4 – Initial Dissemination Plan and Activities is delivered in the context of Task 8.1 – Dissemination within WP8 – Exploitation and Dissemination. WP8 as Task 8.1 will run until the end of the project.

The main objectives of Task 8.1 is to facilitate the analysis and adoption of knowledge and results generated in EXCEED in order to maximise impacts and further exploitation.

The main objectives of this deliverable are to:

  • Give overview on the communication and dissemination activities planned to address EXCEED audiences.
  • Provide the tools to support all partners in promoting EXCEED, engaging stakeholders and disseminating the project results.

This deliverable is structured in 6 sections:

  • Section 1: Short introduction on the communication, dissemination and exploitation principles;
  • Section 2: EXCEED targeted audiences;
  • Section 3: EXCEED key messages;
  • Section 4: EXCEED communication tools and channels;
  • Section 5: EXCEED action plan;
  • Section 6: EXCEED activities monitoring and evaluation.

The activities will be updated if additional needs arise during the project’s execution. Two updated versions of this initial plan will be released (Month 24 and final stage of the project) to compile the activities actually performed.


Some other deliverables being public, they are available on the dedicated page.