EXCEED expected impacts
The EXCEED project is targeting the following impacts
- Ensure secure and autonomous availability of high performance and trustable (re)configurable SoC/SiPs to military end-users.
- Contribute to strengthening the European microelectronics industry and help improve its global position through the implementation of innovative technologies along a new European manufacturing value chain.
- Improved competitiveness of the end-user industry in and beyond the defence sector.
- And finally, demonstrate the potential of EU-funded research in support of EU critical defence technologies, in particular in the domain of (re)configurable SoC/SiPs.
EXCEED use cases
The consortium will ensure that the SoC is applicable in a wide range of defence programmes and applications, facilitating to industries the development of competitive solutions.
Several military use cases will be developed, from requirements and specifications, architecture development, co-simulation tools prototyping and evaluation.
Additionally, in the end of the project, the consortium will engage with European stakeholders in other high-tech domains beyond the defence sector. Potential users of the SoC technology can be found in automotive or robotics that can benefit from a SoC for sensor processing. But also in consumer electronics or wearable devices, that can rely on a European trusted platform to be more resilient to cyberattacks.

Public documents
Official Project presentation available for download (May 2021 – Project Launch)
Official Poster available for download (April 2021)
Tactical systems use case factsheet available for download (November 2022)
Security devices use case factsheet available for download (November 2022)
Airborne embedded computing use case factsheet available for download (November 2022)
Project presentation available for download (November 2022 – Month 18 status)
Public deliverables
Deliverable 8.1 – Project website
The objective of this deliverable is to report the effective creation and launch of the EXCEED project website. This website is available and fulfils the communication and dissemination objectives. English is the chosen language for the website to make it accessible to the broadest audience.
The EXCEED website presents the project context, the objectives and the consortium. It will also give overview in the later stages to project outcomes.
The site is set up and is being administrated by Ayming. Ayming will be responsible for this task throughout the whole project duration with the support of the EXCEED consortium to ensure a living communication tool.
D8.2 – Initial dissemination material
The main objectives of this deliverable are to:
- Identify the type of information that can be released outside the EXCEED project without infringing any confidentiality rules.
- Provide a preliminary roadmap of activities.
This deliverable is structured in 4 sections:
- Section 1: EXCEED targeted audiences;
- Section 2: EXCEED communication and dissemination governance and decision-making;
- Section 3: EXCEED communication tools and channels;
- Section 4: EXCEED communication and dissemination KPIs.
The activities will be updated if additional needs arise during the project’s execution. Two updated versions of this initial plan will be released (Month 24 and 36) to compile the activities actually performed.
Confidential deliverables
Confidential deliverables summaries (non-confidential summary) are provided on WPs dedicated pages.